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Renewal of February 12, 2009

Vietnam Hardware situation

There is a personal computer also in Vietnam.
The used server is also used by the stand-alone.
Most is a desktop type.
There is little elegance with which maker make is composed, and its thing I have you construct at a shop is in use.

Liking of the people from Vietnam
The people from Vietnam like the high thing of spec.
However, greater importance is attached than to physical feeling speed to the spec. by the numerical value written.
So to speak, it may be being able to call it a manual type.
In case a note type is chosen, it is the first principle of spec. The conspicuousness of liquid crystal, a key touch, weight, and the product made from strong hardly seem to be related. Huge ThinkPad R50 seems to be a time-tested product. It seems that 17 inch PC of Acer is also popular because of a low price. It seems that Japanese maker make says that it has hardly appeared on the market, or is not individually bought easily with a new article. There are a product made from Toshiba and NEC make in a market. It seems that the degree of cognition is still low probably because the NEC make began to appear recently.

The Vietnam IT newest information

It came to Mr. Bill Gates and Vietnam!
And 2nd revisit!
I had you contribute.

The character of standard size is needed here.

The Vietnam IT newest information

In Vietnam, the consciousness to illegal copy software is raised and it is inside now.
It is VINASA enduringly!

  • From now on, it will write.
  • The following contents
  • IT situation in Vietnam
  • Off-ショア Vietnam
  • Systems development Vietnam
  • Programmer Vietnam
  • Network development Vietnam
  • Wififree! Vietnam
  • Labor-conditions Vietnam
  • Nature Vietnam of Vietnam popular
  • Vietnam language
  • Vietnam font