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Cafe ベトナム Conditions-of-a-country news

Renewal of February 12, 2009

Vietnam Internet situation について

Vietnam is also being underlined with the Internet circuit.
Although dial-up connection is main from a city part to the country
Connection can be made easily.
Although there are some regulations
Those is national character called a socialist country and an unavoidable place.

But in ADSL connection and the city part, the high-speed network connection by the optical circuit is attained also in Vietnam.
Furthermore, the mobile connection by the cellular-phone type modem is also possible.
Communication contractors, such as VNN and EVNTELECOM, are also increasing in number.

The Vietnam IT newest information

In Vietnam
Regulation of a network game was produced.

Time connectable with a network game (MMORGP) etc. on the 1st,
Up to 5 hours!

Is it interesting?

It is to become regulations...

Rather than it cherishes individual morals etc.
It seems that it manages by public peace.

Does the blow on management join network cafe?

The Vietnam IT newest information

In Vietnam, the consciousness to illegal copy software is raised and it is inside now.
It is said that VINASA also does its best.

  • Windows Vsta starter the Vietnam language version -- on sale
  • Windows XP tieng Viet It does not sell and become precocious although it is on sale.
  • The crack version of Office 2007 is a large boom.
  • Coral draw and the Photoshop CS2 crack version are also popular.
  • IT situation in Vietnam
  • Off-ショア Vietnam
  • Systems development Vietnam
  • Programmer Vietnam
  • Network development Vietnam
  • Wififree! Vietnam
  • Labor-conditions Vietnam
  • Nature Vietnam of Vietnam popular
  • Vietnam language
  • Vietnam font
  • Internet situation of Vietnam
  • Online game situation of Vietnam
  • Used PC situation of Vietnam