Renewal of February 12, 2009
Vietnam Internet situation について
Vietnam is also being underlined with the Internet circuit. Although dial-up connection is main from a city part to the country Connection can be made easily. Although there are some regulations Those is national character called a socialist country and an unavoidable place.
But in ADSL connection and the city part, the high-speed network connection by the optical circuit is attained also in Vietnam. Furthermore, the mobile connection by the cellular-phone type modem is also possible. Communication contractors, such as VNN and EVNTELECOM, are also increasing in number.
The Vietnam IT newest information |
In Vietnam Regulation of a network game was produced.
Time connectable with a network game (MMORGP) etc. on the 1st, Up to 5 hours!
Is it interesting?
It is to become regulations...
Rather than it cherishes individual morals etc. It seems that it manages by public peace.
Does the blow on management join network cafe?
The Vietnam IT newest information |
In Vietnam, the consciousness to illegal copy software is raised and it is inside now. It is said that VINASA also does its best.